Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 270: Baked Apples

Okay, that's some pretty terrible lighting under the yellow stove light. Whoops.

Oh well, these baked apples were still delicious! And what better way to welcome in fall! Baked apples always remind me of picking apples in back garden of the Oxford houses. Autumn isn't quite as crisp and beautiful in Abilene as it is in England, but I enjoy it all the same.


sara said...

wow, those look very yummy!!!

JoAnna said...

I have to make some of those!!! I think my subconscious is waiting until it feels more autumn-like... or maybe I just forgot about them. :-/ Either way, this brings back good memories!

riTa Koch said...

Love the photo of the apples, they are perfect!
The butterfly photos are gorgeous.
Feliz cumpleaƱos, Joel!

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