Sunday, April 19, 2015

Day 109: Lone Rock Beach

The lake and mountains have become my landscape, my real world. ~  Georges Simenon

This was the view from my tent when I woke up this morning. I spent the weekend camping on Lake Powell. This portion of the lake is in Utah, which means I've now officially been to Utah. It was a fun  weekend full of beautiful vistas and getting stuck in the sand.

And lamenting over the fact that the depths of Lake Powell (550 feet at some points) contain archeological treasures buried under the onslaught of water from the Glen Canyon Dam. Glen Canyon is sometimes referred to as "The place no one knew," because it was largely unknown until it the dam was built. In fact, the site was chosen after activists argued that the original site (now Dinosaur National Monument) was an important monument that needed to be saved. And indeed it was, at the expense of what is now the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area.


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